9/2/24 I am about 10 days out from tour now. little anxious since I still have a few things I need to sort out. Pushing myself really hard but I already can see myself improving skill wise. Most notably I have a few mixes to turn in and I feel like how I felt when I mixed Piao's tissues EP all the way back in 2022. My standards for my work are alwasys increasing and sometimes keeping up with those new limits can be really taxing.
Body did what it alwasys does when im doing too much and made me take a break by getting sick. This time was entirly my own doing consuming about 10 cups of coffee one day trying to finish up some work. Compleatly annialated my gut microbiome. I started swimming! So far it has been the most fruitful in terms of recovery for my back injury. I want to make sure it's healthy enough to stand up to the long drives we have coming up on tour. Anyway, tour prep is almost done and I'm in a good place. Just one more sprint and I should be good. See you all on tour! I'll be running front of house insead of playing guitar this time so come say hi!